I came to realize, a few years back, maybe 20 or so, that’s a few when you start getting old. Anyway, I realized a few years back that I liked being alone, and being around a lot of people made me tired. I learned that I was not “shy” as everyone had called me growing up, but I was an introvert. I’ve taken a few personality tests, including an informal one a leader at work had everyone due after they learned that some people were introverts and they found it fascinating. I “scored” 11 out of 12 in the introvert column on that one.
So, I was doing some online reading on introverts and how to deal with my ever-growing lack of desire to interact with other people when I came across an online quiz that is supposed to identify if you are an introvert or extrovert. I took the quiz and on their sociability scale (the free result they give you) which goes from 0 – 100 scored a 2. I was a little down at the time so I took it again later and doubled my score! (That’s a 4 for the math-challenged among us.)
That result and the result from a test to identify my sociopolitical leaning I took a few years ago explains a lot. So, don’t take it personally if I don’t get back to you or seem to not care about your new car/house/job or whatever. It’s not that I don’t care, I just want to be alone and … oh right I don’t care.